We all want to produce the best event possible and one way to kick your event up a notch is to hire a professional moderator. What is a moderator? A professional moderator is a master of ceremonies of sorts. Their role at your event is to make sure participants get…
Read MoreWith the world always changing because of the COVID-19 virus and the world slowly going back to “normal”, the events industry world has a long list of obstacles to overcome. However, one of the most rewarding things as an event planner is getting to watch an event come together and…
Read MoreWe talk a lot about our Find Balance team value because it is so important to us. Today I want to talk to you about another value that literally gives me butterflies when I think about it and if you look closely at my social media you’ll see I live…
Read MoreUnderstanding the difference will help you succeed in the sale Sponsorship, philanthropy and partnerships are the key to the financial success of most events. Understanding the difference between the type of support to ask for will make a world of difference in the amount you are able to sell or…
Read MoreAre sponsorships possible on a short timeline event? The short answer is yes, it might not be easy or the results may not be what you were hoping for, but it is possible. Let’s dig into how sponsorships may be possible even if your event is being planned on a…
Read MoreLet me paint you a picture. Have you ever heard of an event and been so excited about it? You’ve gone ahead and created an image in your head about what it may look like? So, you do a quick google search for “Latte art workshop near me” and find…
Read MoreNeed an event produced with a tight timeline? Now that’s speaking our language. There’s no doubt that when working with ITM Events you’ll hear us talk about our “queen bee role (QBR)” which are our systems and processes. Our QBR is the crème de la crème, the engine, the driver,…
Read MoreStruggling to secure sponsorship for your event or organization? We hear you, we’ve been there too. When we learned how to properly sell sponsorships everything changed. Sponsorship sales are about relationships. It takes time to build relationships. Although the steps below are easy on the surface, they will require a…
Read MoreOur team has decided to move to a four-day work week. We’re happy to be walking the walk and not just talking the talk. There has been a lot of talk in the events industry, through Covid, about this being the opportunity for the industry to change the way we…
Read MoreWe are trapped in a world of information overload. We often underestimate how overwhelmed our attendees feel when we are loading up our event pages with written content followed by a slew of emails with yet more written instructions and content. There are lots of tools available now that can…
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