Trade Shows

10 Steps to Successful Sponsorship Sales

By Julia | Jan 27, 2022

Struggling to secure sponsorship for your event or organization? We hear you, we’ve been there too. When we learned how to properly sell sponsorships everything changed. Sponsorship sales are about relationships. It takes time to build relationships. Although the steps below are easy on the surface, they will require a…

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Video, a Better Way to Communicate to Attendees

By Julia | Jan 12, 2022

We are trapped in a world of information overload. We often underestimate how overwhelmed our attendees feel when we are loading up our event pages with written content followed by a slew of emails with yet more written instructions and content. There are lots of tools available now that can…

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Covid – An Opportunity to Breathe New Life Into Your Event

By Julia | May 5, 2021

“We’ve always done it this way” can now be thrown into the trash can (where it always should have been). Thanks to Covid, you have an opportunity to breath new life into your event. This is your chance to dust off the cobwebs and clear out the dead weight that…

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The Perfect Checklist That Will Help You Hire the Right Event Planner

By Julia | Aug 30, 2020

Event planning can be tough, to say the least, but planning your perfect function doesn’t have to be stressful. Event planning experts have the tools and expertise needed to make your exceptional occasion a success and a unique experience for your attendees. Hiring the right event planner does require a…

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What We’ve Learned So Far About Hosting Virtual Events

By Julia | Jul 5, 2020

We have yet to have one of our own client’s events go live as a virtual event but we are learning so much while planning, watching other events and volunteering for a world-wide virtual event, Global Pride. The learning the events industry has to do in a short 4 months…

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The Problem with Attendees Arriving Early at Live Events

By Julia | Jul 5, 2020

We’re talking live events today because RFPs have started to come out! Woohoo!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. This topic has been one I have wanted to talk about for a long time. Using an example from one of our own events, I talk about…

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Are we asking what they need from us?

By Julia | Apr 18, 2020

As planners our job and our intuition tells us that we need to fix the problem. The world has thrown us many problems in a matter of weeks and we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to solve all the problems. Our first instinct has…

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“We’ve gone virtual, we no longer need an event planner. Right?”

By Julia | Apr 17, 2020

“We’ve gone virtual for our next event so we no longer need an event planner, right?” I know many planners probably had the same thought for a second in the panic of the Covid 19 quarantine. Where do we fit now? Has my job become obsolete over night? Then we…

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Your Event Must Go On!

By Julia | Apr 17, 2020

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow and in the end it may not look like what you envisioned, but eventually your event must still go on! There will likely never be another time when people realize what a big impact live events are on our economy, our businesses and even…

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