About ITM Events

What TRUE PARTNERSHIP means to us

By Julia | May 16, 2022

We talk a lot about our Find Balance team value because it is so important to us. Today I want to talk to you about another value that literally gives me butterflies when I think about it and if you look closely at my social media you’ll see I live…

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How our systems and processes make us perfect for producing events on tight timelines

By Shaniece | Feb 9, 2022

Need an event produced with a tight timeline? Now that’s speaking our language. There’s no doubt that when working with ITM Events you’ll hear us talk about our “queen bee role (QBR)” which are our systems and processes. Our QBR is the crème de la crème, the engine, the driver,…

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We’re a 4-day Work Week Company

By Julia | Jan 13, 2022

Our team has decided to move to a four-day work week. We’re happy to be walking the walk and not just talking the talk. There has been a lot of talk in the events industry, through Covid, about this being the opportunity for the industry to change the way we…

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My Why – Part 3, clients need not worry about coffee service

By Julia | Sep 15, 2019

We’ve talked about my why and how it was personal to me. And we talked about how my why allows my team to live their best life. Now for our third and final why. My third and final why is pretty simple. I wanted to give our clients the FREEDOM…

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My Why – Part 2, your why must be bigger than yourself

By Julia | Sep 14, 2019

Yesterday I talked about my why and how what I am doing makes my life better. Today it’s all about my team and how I hope that I have created make for a damn great why for them too. Before I even knew why I was creating this company for…

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My Why – A 3-part series on why I walked away from a cash for life job

By Julia | Sep 13, 2019

I was listening to a Boss Babe podcast a few weeks back, they were talking about “your why” and why it is so important to have a why and to live that why. It got me thinking about my why. Why did I start this crazy adventure? Why do I…

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